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Year - End Reflections for 2022

My word for this year 2022 Is AMPLIFY…my mission and message.

“Amplify” means to enlarge or expand; and as a verb it means the act of increasing the strength of something. Amplify is important because it gives users the freedom to build on the platform with which they are most comfortable.

I am so grateful and happy now that this year of 2022 brought me new dreams, new opportunities, new friends, meaningful connections and allies, and new inspiration to live my BEST life that I never thought possible.

Despite the many ups and downs, highs and lows, challenges at home and work, obstacles, disappointments, long COVID illness and negative situations, I PAUSED, was grateful and GLORIFIED the LORD in these times of trials and difficulties, and so I celebrated.

Therefore, I willfully had FUN and chose JOY in every aspect of my life, and the following were the steps I followed:

I surrendered my goals and plans to HIM.

I focused on being happy.

I focused on self-care, sleep and rest.

I focused on my daily deep work and spiritual practices: prayer, meditation and gratitude journal.

I focused on mindfulness, gratitude and appreciation.

I focused on my purpose and spiritual assignments which are to be a service to my family, friends, patients, team and community.

I focused on doing less yet creating more.

I only focused on projects that are giving me joy and happiness.

I prayed for: more opportunities to serve, the strength to focus on my mission and goals, to be mindful and be present, to serve with excellence in God’s grace and guidance, and to be a lightworker and a force of LOVE.

I am now a 365% BEST VERSION OF MYSELF than in 2021.

I am excited and ready to receive all the blessings and gifts from above in 2023, and “to be a better person today than yesterday.” This is my prayer for you too!

Comment below if you are also ready for #growth and be in momentum in 2023!

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